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About Us

Tinyteria company has been present in the lab diagnostics market since 2011 specializing in supplies of reagents and equipment to medical, veterinary and agrarian laboratories. In order to successfully develop in this very competitive market we offer our customers what they seek: warranted quality products, reliable service, comfortable cooperation, and flexible pricing.

A special place in our catalog is occupied by reagents and equipment for autoimmune diagnostics, identification of infectious pathogens and allergies, diagnostics of osteoporosis, gastrointestinal tract diseases and tumors by ELISA and immune chemo-histological methods, hormonal probing, and quantification of water soluble vitamins in the human body.

Tinyteria offers a wide range of ELISA, BLOT, IFT, MicroArray, and microbiological tests.

Moreover, we help customers to choose, deliver, install, adjust, and launch all the necessary lab equipment. Our certified service engineers will provide its warranty and post-warranty maintenance and solve any possible technical problem.

Expenses can be reduced by purchasing used equipment (Abbott, Siemens, Roche, Beckman Coulter, Sysmex, Biomerieux). The warranty for the completely restored equipment is six months.

Tinyteria specialists attend all international exhibitions and presentations studying innovations in the field and sharing their best experience and expertise with customers. Information support is always available for clinical and lab personnel.

Ensuring absolute veracity of lab tests, we offer globally tried and tested products of such companies as Euroimmun (Germany), ImmunDiagnostik (Germany), VitAssay (Spain), BioMaxima (Poland), AutoBio (China), IDS (UK), Diametra (Italy), and GenomeMe (Canada). The list is expanding.

With its extensive network of partners Tiniteria MED operates in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, helping customers with product marketing, registration, and certification.

Tinyteria – Arte et Humanitate, Labore et Scientia – By Art and Humanity, Labor and Knowledge.

EUROIMMUN – your partner for the diagnostic laboratory
Vitassay Healthcare, S.L.U. develops and markets clinical rapid tests for the early detection of different pathogens causing infectious disease.
Immundiagnostik AG
Immundiagnostik AG
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+49 451 5855-0
EUROIMMUN – your partner for the diagnostic laboratory

EUROIMMUN AG, founded in Germany in 1987, markets its products in 130 European, North American, South American, Asian, and African countries and Australia. The company is famous for its unique patented TITERPLANE® technology which it successfully uses in indirect immunosorbent IIFT и EUROArray methods.

Being a reputed world producer, the company has its own research institute, independent reference laboratory, and Training Academy. In April 2014, the WirtschaftsWoche magazine rated the company 3rd best innovator among German medium-sized enterprises.

EUROIMMUN offers a considerable portfolio of lab tests for diagnosing almost all known autoimmune and allergic diseases, a wide spectrum of infectious and hereditary pathologies, Alzheimer’s disease, indicators of bone turnover, stress, kidney functions, and gluten intolerance.

The equipment and reagents produced by the company use the following methods:
— Solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 
— Indirect immunosorbent test (IIFT)
— Blotting (BLOT)
— Chemoluminescent immunological assay (ChLIA)
— Multi-result genetic diagnostics (EUROArray)

Tested human materials are blood, urine, spinal fluid, saliva, feces.

The wide range of equipment allows for forming an exploratory line for tests in any volumes. Small laboratories can use test systems in manual mode. For medium-sized laboratories there are semiautomatic systems and small automatic ones. Maximum capacity laboratory systems are available for large laboratories. Machines preclude any human error and provide standard conditions for obtaining test results.

All Euroimmun AG equipment is provided with warranty and post-warranty service.

(+34) 974 001 193
Vitassay Healthcare, S.L.U. develops and markets clinical rapid tests for the early detection of different pathogens causing infectious disease.

The Spanish company VitAssay offers non-invasive express tests for early diagnostics of various pathogens based on the technology of immune chromatography with latex microspheres. Tests use samples of feces, urine, or respiratory scrape. Accurate results are available in 10 minutes.

VitAssay express tests detect a wide range of viruses:

noroviruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, hepatitis viruses, enteroviruses, respiratory viruses, influenza A viruses;


salmonella, clostridium difficile, campylobacter, coliform bacteria, helicobacter pylori, enterobacteria, streptococci, legionella;

and parasites:

amoebae, lamblia, cryptosporidium;


feces occult blood for early detection of the tumor process and inflammatory bowel disease.

+44 (0) 191 519 0660

ImmunodiagnosticSystems (IDS) specializes in manufacture of diagnostic systems for endocrinological assays. On the lab diagnostics market the company offers a unique complete panel for bone tissue examination.

IDS tests ensure early detection of osteoporosis (especially in aged persons and those belonging to clinical, genetic, or medicamentous risk groups) and prescription of the most effective therapy.

Precise quantification of the level of resorption or bone tissue formation enables effective control of treatment and prognostication of the patient’s further condition.


On the lab research market the Canadian company GenomeMe offers a range of products for immune chemo-histological cancer diagnostics.
The GeneAb antibody reagents ensure the highest veracity in detecting and differentiating cancer-specific markers of carcinomas, lymphomas, melanomas and various types of leucosis as well as liver, kidney, breast, lung, ovary, cervical, bladder, intestine, stomach, soft tissue, pancreas, brain, prostate, and thyroid gland tumors, neoplasms of neuroendocrine origin, and bone diseases.


Diametra produces immune diagnostic test kits for detecting autoimmune, rheumatic and endocrinal disorders, monitor diabetes treatment, and help to diagnose cancer.

Using the products presented in the company’s catalog it is possible to diagnose various types of vasculitis, gastroenterological and rheumatic diseases, thromboses, and thyroid pathologies with very high probability.

The reagent test portfolio includes
— Hormone and steroid tests
— Autoantibody enumeration tests
— Tumor marker tests
— Reproductive hormone tests
— Circulating immune complex tests

+48 22 668 73 80

BioMaxima S.A. has firm positions on the microbiological lab market. The company’s internationally certified products are used in clinical medicine, sanitary laboratories, cosmetology, and control over pharmaceutical and food production.

The BioMaxima catalog offers:
— Reagents for general blood and urine tests;
— Express tests for detecting infectious diseases, tumor and myocardial infarction markers and drug addiction signs;
— Ready microbiological media in Petri and Rodak dishes, tubes and flasks;
— Ready dehydrated (dry) fast breeding media;
— Selective additives to nutritive media;
— Antibiotic disks.

+49 (0)6251 - 70190-0
Immundiagnostik AG

The German company Immundiagnostik AG, established in 1986, sells its products in more than 70 countries.

The range of lab reagents and tests covers the entire spectrum of instruments for identifying risks of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, infertility, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases as well as for differential diagnostics and therapeutic medication control. This primarily concerns cardiovascular, nephric and gastroenterological diseases, bone pathologies, and ageing process control.

The Immundiagnostik AG catalog lists innovative biochemical and radioimmune assays (ELISA, RIA), various analytical lab assay methods (high-yield liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry), a wide range of antibodies and antigens, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and materials for photometric assays.

